Monday, May 14, 2007

Initial Election Observation from NAMFREL-PPCRV-NASSA/LENTE

Cagayan de Oro. As reported by volunteers, a number of voters in several precincts, particularly in Macabalan, Lapasan and Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City, found their names missing in the list of voters. Reports to this effect had been coming in at the Archdiocesan Social Communications Center at the X.U. Gym since this morning.
In a related development, rampant vote-buying is reported in many places all over the province of Misamis Oriental and Cagayan de Oro City. Cases of vote-buying had been reported as early as Thursday of this week.
Moreover, complaints from voters had been received regarding several irregularities in the voting procedures and some incompetencies of the Board of Election Inspectors assigned in the different precincts.
Lastly, several violations of election laws were also reported. ASCM.

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