Monday, May 7, 2007

PPCRV comes up with commandments for responsible voting

Televisions are bombarded with political ads, streets are full of posters of candidates, and people are distributing millions of flyers of their supported candidate. Because of this, many might consider popularity and public exposure the only basis to elect a political candidate. The truth of the matter is fame isn’t everything. For those who cannot do away with this “popularity syndrome”, here’s a checklist, or rather commandments provided by the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) for us to deliberately choose people who deserve to earn a seat in the government.

1. Thou shalt vote according to the dictate of your conscience.

2. Thou shalt respect the decisions of others in choosing their candidates.

3. Thou shalt seek to know the moral integrity, capabilities and other personal qualities of the candidates you will vote for.

4. Thou shalt strive to understand the issues, platforms and programs of candidates and parties seeking your vote.

5. Thou shalt not sell your vote.

6. Thou shalt not vote for candidates using guns, goons and gold.

7. Thou shalt not vote for candidates with records of graft and corruption, and human rights violation.

8. Thou shalt not vote for candidates just because of utang na loob, personal appearance, popularity and pakikisama.

9. Thou shalt not vote for candidates living an immoral life.

10.Thou shalt put the welfare of the country above all else in choosing the candidate you will vote for.


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